1. Monday seems to come around so quickly each week. Over the weekend, I relish in the time away from the week day routine of drop offs, food prep, laundry, pick ups, activities, bath, bed. Anyone else? With the time change rolling back an hour yesterday, this is the first year we have ever had kids sleep in a little!!! After nearly 7 years of parenthood, this feels like a MAJOR miracle.
2. Our giveaway with Etsy was so so popular - thank you so much for entering and loving the site just as much as I do. Sharing small shops and makers is something I am passionate about; I always want to know about new creative people that are selling their amazing creations so if you know of any, please tell me in the comments below!
3. I ordered our Christmas cards!!! I can hardly believe it. This is the template that I chose but I will share a post on this year's cards soon. Last year's cards were so cute that I had to continue the tradition. I can't wait to show you how they turned out but until then, here's a little look at the reality of behind the scenes, HA!!!
4. It snowed here in Vancouver on Saturday!!! I am totally unprepared. I quickly started searching for winter boots for the kids and here are my top 3 contenders! Kids winter boots are not pretty or inexpensive but I suppose there is no price for warmth!!!
5. My husband and I celebrated our 9th anniversary last Thursday. We have lived across 3 continents, had 3 kids in 2 years, started 2 businesses (we both have our own) and traveled to at least 20 countries together. He is my best friend and I can't imagine adventuring life with anyone else!!!
Have a great week!