1. Did you know that SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY in Canada is coming up at the end of this week, on October 21st? I'm excited to be a part of it and you will see that I'm working with the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (& Interac) over on INSTAGRAM to celebrate independent businesses in our beautiful country.

2. I’ve been saving some very fun décor items from ETSY lately and thought you'd love these sweet finds too.

4. One of the most popular rooms in the house for the kids is coming up on the blog...the art space! I can't wait to share it with all of you very soon.

5. Xavier's favourite FALL SHOES are on sale! These are great slip-on, slip-off toddler shoes for Spring and Fall...and only have a few sizes left in black.

toddler boy shoes
freshly picked hard sole toddler shoes
kids in autumn leaves
Xav pushing sisters blog.jpg

5. These new #ohMonday posts are becoming my favourite; feels like I can put anything in here and it makes Mondays that much more fun. We live near KITS BEACH and every year we take autumn photos of the kids playing with leaves. This photo is such a representation of our kids...messy hair, missing teeth and the kids playing without a care in the world. Being a mom brings me more joy than anything else.

Have a great week!

Melissa Signature.png


kids with their white thanksgiving pumpkins

It's been a tremendously rainy, windy weekend here in Vancouver and sometimes these grey and cold days lend to more indoor time with the little ones and more time to reflect on the little moments. 

Kaia & Noelle with their mini white pumpkins
kaia holding mini white pumpkin
mini white pumpkin in small hands

I had taken these quick shots a couple of weekends ago when the sun was out and the weather was obviously warmer. I wanted to capture the essence of autumn and the little pumpkins that I'd been trying to find around the city for a couple of weeks. I had no intention of posting them but then thought it might make sense to share how quickly I captured these (10 minutes!) and how you can create a mini photoshoot with literally a few little pumpkins and some sweet smiles! 

Autumn 2016 photo of kids

So, instead of thinking how hard it will be, just get your kids, pop outside with the pumpkins you've collected from the farm or the store and take a few snaps! I ask them questions as I click, such as "if your pumpkin was an animal, what would it be?" I find that when they are engrossed in telling a story, the smiles naturally come out and their faces light up. If you are shooting more than one kiddo, it helps to pop them on the a set of stairs so that they are captured at the same depth (or plane) on camera, which works to keep them all in focus.  

The pictures may not be perfect, but they recreate this perfect memory...our front steps, their mini pumpkins, fall 2016 and my very favourite little smiley faces. Sometimes the little moments are the ones we'll look back on and remember with the biggest fondness. 

Happy Monday friends!

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