books on a book wall in kids room

Anyone who has been following along for a while knows that I am an active advocate of literacy in young children. So, it comes as no surprise that I LOVE this new subscription to books delivered for kids. Say hello to The Story Box! When I was young, my house was full of books and when I had my own children, I knew I wanted the same. These days, we are so lucky to have so many ways to get books into our homes, without even entering a book shop. 

the story box subscription for kids
the story box package
inside the story box

This subscription is online based and the ordering process is straight forward. There are three packages to choose from: the board box package, the picture box package or the family package. When the box arrived, I was not only impressed by the simple but lovely packaging, but also that each box is curated by a speech pathologist. A parent guide was included in our picture book package, which detailed things to do with your kids while reading the books as well as an add on idea for a craft after you've read the books. Genius!

the story box with kids on blanket
opening the subscription
opening up the story box with kids
kids opening the story box
contents inside the story box
finding books inside the box

The kids LOVE opening packages and this one really feels like a present. The books are high quality and all three kids instantly fell in love with Hooray for Hat, with Xavier quickly picking up the line, "Go away, I'm grumpy" with the biggest smile on his face. 

boy reading book

Not only fun for your own kids, The Story Box offers such a great idea for a gift subscription for any favourite little one in your life.

girls reading books
kids enjoying reading books

The Story Box has kindly offered to share the code READ for US$5 off the first order. Please note that shipping is currently only available within the United States.

* This post was created in affiliation with The Story Box. All words and photos are my own.

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WINTER DAISY was created when Melissa Barling was laying on the couch while pregnant with twins. She dreamed of a beautiful baby room but couldn't get up and make it happen. The babies were born and in those mid night wakes and early morning feeds, she decided to leave her corporate job to start a design studio + blog. Welcome to WINTER DAISY.

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