Congratulations to Stacey Koch who won this giveaway!!! The giveaway is now closed.

a teepee in playroom with sajewellness nebulizer
aromaOm nebulizer on side table in kids space

As a Mom to three kids under the age of five, I am constantly looking for natural products to use in our home. When Saje Wellness contacted me to work with their nebulizers and other home products as part of their new Saje at Home store opening, happening on March 31st at their Robson Street location in Vancouver, I welcomed the chance! As part of this, I’ve had the opportunity to try out the nebulizers and learn more about the all-natural, therapeutic essential oils as well as some other products that I have fallen in love with (some new, some long ago!).

Today I’m sharing my top 5 Saje Wellness products to use in a kid-friendly home. 

1.     Nebulizers:

These work both as an air purifier and as a cool mist humidifier and are perfect for everyday or if your little one has a cold. If you don’t feel comfortable using essential oils with your child, these still work perfectly without the oil!

2.     Diffuser Blends:

These essential oils can be used in various ways and help to make your home smell fresh and lovely in the most natural way! Our little ones love watching me add the suggested 10-12 drops to the water in the nebulizer and trying out the different scents. I love ‘Refresh’ for playtime during the day and ‘Spa Spirit’ for the start to the bedtime routine. 

3.    Owee Magic:

Affectionately known as Boo Boo Magic in our house, this aromatherapy balm is a hit with the kids! With a combination of Olive Oil, Beeswax, Calendula and St. John’s Wort as well as a mixture of essential oils, this is the first thing our kids ask for when they have a little cut.  

4.    Safe Hands Wash:

With little kids, I wash my hands A LOT! I have struggled with dry hands before having kids and it continues to be a daily disturbance now more than ever, especially through the winter months. To help combat this, I always look for hand soap that is free from Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and this wash is perfect! With a base of coconut oil, olive oil and sunflower oil, this hand wash not only cleanses, but does so without drying out the hands; perfect for little ones and parents alike. It smells delicious too!

5.    Fairy Mist:

This spray is safe for little ones with a combination of calming oils such as lavender and chamomile to help soothe babes to sleep. I started using this with my girls a few years ago at bedtime when they needed a little extra love to settle down. I tell them to close their eyes and pretend the nighttime fairies are sprinkling them with love for sweet dreams!

Saje Wellness AromaOm Nebulizer in white

If you are looking to add natural products to your home environment, Saje Wellness has you covered. To help you get started, we are *GIVING AWAY an AromaOm Nebulizer in white as well as a Diffuser Blend Kit of your choice.

To enter, please visit Saje Wellness, follow both @sajewellness and @winterdaisykids on IG, then leave me a comment here telling me which Diffuser Blend Kit you’d choose (Brainstorm, Peaceful, Good Health, Relaxation or Happiness) if you won. Entries close the day of the Saje at Home store launch, on March 31st at 9am PST and the winner will be chosen at random.


 * This giveaway is open to Canadian readers only. I will announce the winner here on the blog as well as on my social media channels. Prize is approximately  $135 CAD total value. This post is in partnership with Saje Wellness. All words are my own.


