Helloooo and happy 2018!!! After the longest break since starting WINTER DAISY, the blog is back and I can't wait to share what's in store over the coming months (our first room reveal of 2018 next week!).
I'm currently on holiday in Australia and am here with my family for a couple more weeks, so while the blog is back, you can still catch our everyday adventures and some of the highlights of what we're up to over on Instagram (particularly in stories). I won't lie; it's been so lovely to take some time away, get a dose of sunshine and warmth, and feel refreshed knowing it's not long until we're back in the rain and cold (and back to everyday life!).
This year I didn't set any big New Year's resolutions but instead thought about everyday intentions: to live more in the moment, appreciate the beauty in our everyday chaos, inspire my own family, learn new things, be more patient to share a few.
I also want to learn more about YOU!!! Do you set resolutions? Have you taken steps to achieve them yet? Any that are focused around your home or kids? Tell me one in the comments below!