It's Wednesday, the forecast is sunshine here in Vancouver and I'm sure you're all anxiously awaiting the weekend. For our friends in the US, summer break has already started and for us here, there is only another week to go!!! Over the summer, this blog changes a bit to focus more on lifestyle content and less on client projects.
With this in mind...I'd love to know what you'd like to read and see!!! I'm asking for your help in giving your input. Do you come here just for pretty pictures of kids' spaces and inspiration for your own kids' rooms? Or do you come for ideas about products, children's style, book ideas and general fun stuff to make and do with your kids? What would you like to see more of? Less of?
Do you like to read the blog and come back for reference or is a quick break (and a quick read) more your thing?
Do you want to see more how to's? Videos? Q + A's? I'm open to all of this!!!
Please leave me a comment below, email me (info@winterdaisy.com) if you'd rather let me know privately or send me a DM on Instagram. Your help is so, SO much appreciated to help guide the direction of the blog and ensure we are creating content that you want to come back for!!!
A big thank you to all who take the time to answer any of these questions with your thoughts,