I’m a little late to the party this year, but first on the list in our Holiday Gift Guides is toys for the kids. This Christmas guide includes mainly items that our kids own and love, a couple that are on the list this year and the Milton and Goose play kitchen that I can’t get enough of!
Last year, the wooden dollhouse was a huge hit as a main gift for one of our twins, and it amazes me to watch toddlers as well as older friends come for play dates and spend hours playing with it. It was a Christmas gift that will last for years. For kids over 5, the Instax camera is a fun toy that will surely be a hit on Christmas Day and the little Jacob’s ladder toy reminds me of my own childhood (and will be making itself into at least one stocking this year).
While Keva looks like such a basic toy, it (along with Magnatiles) are two firm faves that will continue to last throughout the years.
I hope you find a little something that inspires your little one to play, which is exactly what this holiday guide is for.
01.// Smart Game; 02.// Solid Wood Kitchen; 03.// Superhero Mouse; 04.// Ice Magnatiles; 05.// Instax Camera; 06.// KROM Kendama; 07.// Jacob’s Ladder; 08.// Micro Scooter; 09.// Fresh Mart Store; 10.// Victorian Doll House; 11.// Metal Slinky; 12.// Maple Keva Planks.