summer mixbook

After my sister Amanda photographed me and my sweet children a few weeks ago in an outdoor summer photo shoot that I will cherish forever, I wanted to not only save these memories in my mind but also in a special scrapbook. Since I don’t ever seem to take the time to make cut and paste scrapbooks these days, I decided to go digital and make a photo book online. I wanted the look and feel of the book to complement the photos and decided to use Mixbook as they offer the most beautiful photo books with so many options to choose from. After scrolling through numerous options of themes, I found the perfect fit with something fresh and summery to document these special photos.

reviewing mixbook flat lay

Once logged into the Mixbook site, it was really easy to select a template and get started. Importing photos was simple and the possibilities with what you can create and how you can customize the book really are endless. One of the keys things to remember while taking photos with your children is to shoot both vertically AND horizontally, especially when you start putting the photos together, it creates more interest and helps with creative layouts. I could even change the layout of the photos within the template to accommodate the direction of the pictures that I wanted to feature and the feel of the pages, which I particularly liked.

review of mixbook lay flat option

From previous experiences with photo books, I knew this time I definitely wanted to order hardcover and the lay flat option. If you are planning to not only store your book on the shelf, but also spend time looking at it with the kids, the lay flat option is a MUST! I love how the pages flow into each other and that all three kids can see both pages when they are sitting with me.

girls looking through mixbook photo book

 The best part of the whole experience is when the completed photo book arrived to our door. The kids were super excited to see the photos in a book instead of on screen and loved reading the little captions too. The whole experience makes me want to do a yearly photo book to capture all of our photos in one place.

girls reading photo book
reviewing mixbook

Apart from actual books, the site also offers photo cards, photo prints, online invitations and SO MUCH MORE. Maybe it’s time I turn one or two of these into some new canvas prints for my walls…

me and sweet girls

Mixbook is kindly offering up to 45% off with code VACAYBK. This offer does not apply to Mosaic or Montage. Offer expires 8/31/2016.

If you missed the summer photo shoot post and my top tips for taking photos with kids, you can find it right here.


*This post was created with Mixbook.